Episode 36 - Hack My Business with Jesse Torres

What sort of pressure would you feel if your parents moved to America to make a better life for you? This week I'm excited to share my conversation with my friend, Jesse Torres - the first-generation American that has found an amazing niche bridging the gaps between the private and public sectors. 

Jesse is the owner and principal of a minority-owned consulting firm specializing in economic and workforce development, particularly in small business development and disaster preparedness, response, and resiliency programs. He’s also the founder and creator of the podcast Hack My Business.

Jesse contributes to our community here in Los Angeles by serving on the City of Los Angeles Small Business Commission and the boards of Associated Students UCLA, Sustainable Economic Enterprises of Los Angeles, and Union Station Homeless Services.

If making the world a better place is your jam; I think you’ll find this interview worth digging into. I just loved learning more about my friend Jesse Torres and find his hard work and humility inspiring. Oh, and his podcast called “Hack My Business” rocks! I was on the show recently, and we got into this concept of “Imagine the Day” that has transformed my life, and I was delighted to share. 

Having said all that- we need more Jesses in the world!

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On to today's show- here’s Jesse…..


Episode 37 - Coaching Startup Leaders with Robyn Ward


Episode 35 - CRM Category Creator with Jon Ferrera